Make your own Ticket to Ride board

Since publishing my updated unofficial UK board for Ticket to Ride, I have received a number of requests for any original design files or other items that could help get someone started on making their own fan board.

After some work, I’ve come up with a “TTR Fan Board Design Kit” with all the basic building blocks for making your own board. The zip file linked below contains the following:

  • Adobe InDesign files for a regulation-size board, scoring border, and tickets (including a template for PrintPlay Games to get professional cards printed)
  • Adobe Photoshop file for ticket design
  • Individual graphic files for train route blocks and city dots

Download: TTR Fan Board Kit (22MB ZIP)

Items like the scoring border and city dots are grayscale so you can colorize in Photoshop and create any kind of color scheme you like. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions. Hope you find these helpful!


“Ticket to Ride” is a registered trademark of Days of Wonder, and this site is not associated with Days of Wonder. All of the graphics and components here were created by me or are open-domain graphics. Nothing has been scanned/used from Days of Wonder products. Any of these components can be used to create an unofficial extension for use with any official Ticket to Ride game. You’ll need an official set of trains and wagon cards for completing your game.  Enjoy these items with my best wishes for a great new board to play on!

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